How to Find Conscious Empowerment for Personal Beauty

This is about finding freedom, empowerment, appreciation, and satisfaction in your own personal beauty.
Today many women feel inadequate in comparison to the beauty standards of today's society. The media bombards us with the idea that we are not enough as we are. We are not thin enough, our lashes aren't long enough and are hair is missing texture. It is suggested that signs of aging decrease our value as people, and must be compensated for by the newest wrinkle cream on the market.
I consider myself to be a conscious person but I have noticed that I have also bought into some of the hype. I don't allow the influence of propaganda to make me buy Tide detergent. I have, however, allowed my mind to believe that I am substandard, in comparison to other women in the world.
This idea or belief is constantly in the back of my mind, creating pain and diminishing the quality of my life. When I see an ad for makeup, or a high-fashion magazine spread, the first thought that floods my mind, is always the same; " I don’t look like that, and looking like that is what will make me desirable, and loved by others." In the back of my mind, I have a belief that, as long as other women look that way, I would never be anybody's first choice.
Don't get me wrong, I get how crazy that is. I'm writing this honestly, because I don't believe I'm alone in this type of self-violence, and self-judgment.
Comparison and self-judgment are the mechanisms of our ego mind. The ego believes that if we gauge ourselves in comparison to others, we can better keep ourselves safe. We are safe when we know exactly where we stand in the world. This forms the illusion that your precious existence pales in the comparison of a woman with higher cheekbones and longer legs.
We must realize that these standards are based in fiction and take our power back from them. We're basically keeping ourselves unhappy, to preserve an illusion of falseness and absurdity someone else has created to boost mascara sales.
The second illusion is that you must keep up with the other women of the world who have it all together. Nobody has it all together. Just because someone appears that way in a fifteen-minute interview, does not make it true.
The third illusion is that this is a world you need to find a way to fit into. This is where I invite you once again to claim your own world of experience that you can customize to fit your heart’s desires and your personal truth.
The ego actually has honorable intentions, but letting it run the show of your life will lead to more of the same unhappiness.
How do we change it?
When recognizing these patterns of suffering manufactured by the human ego, and desiring change, the answer is going to be the same. We must become more heart centered, and learn to see ourselves, and others through the eyes of love.
If a woman values and respects herself, she is not going to be interested in a partner who would drop her at the first opportunity to be with somebody more physically attractive. She knows, that though physical beauty is an enjoyable quality, there are so many other important qualities she possesses.
Love and divine connection will be more important than basic survival of the race, physical attraction.
While meditating on this, I was shown a new vision. I want to share with you what I feel is our next evolutionary step. The love and divinity radiating from a person, is now what's going to attract their mate. This means, that everything about you, will be irresistibly attractive, to your rightful partner. They are going to fall in love with your freckles, and the teeny tiny gap between your two front teeth.
You will be the epitome of beauty to your mate. The catch 22 here, is that we need to give ourselves permission to see ourselves in this light first. If we are firmly rooted in this awareness, other people will see us this way too.
It has been said that the quest to achieve society's standards of beauty is nothing more than a slippery slope of misery and deception. I wholeheartedly agree. I have yet to find an argument of the contrary worth entertaining.
This is good news right?! With this information, you are now once again the rightful ruler of your own world, and the most valuable person in it. You are completely beautiful as you are, and as you will ever need to be.
You can now watch cosmetic commercials, and look at fashion magazines, and really see that these women are not better, they are just different. We can appreciate the way somebody looks, without lowering ourselves to them.