Is Shutting Others Out the Only Way to Stay Safe from Toxic People?
It is absolutely true that there are certain types of people who are toxic to your quality of life. They may have abusive tendencies,...
How to stay Empowered in the Presence of Bullies and Psychos (especially as an Empath)
One of the major human lessons today is learning to take our power back and reposition ourselves above the bullying and abuse that exists...
Making Peace With the One Who Got Away
In my line of work the topic of “what if” comes up often in regards to past loves and the possibility of what could have been. In this...
Why Our Buttons Are Being Pushed Now, More Than Ever
Upheaval is one of the ways in which transformation can be facilitated. As you may have noticed, there’s a lot of that going on right now...
How to Avoid the Accumulation of Trauma
Trauma is the emotional wound that certain experiences can leave behind. As many of you know the effects of trauma can linger for years...

Finding Empowerment in Personal Beauty
Today many women feel inadequate in comparison to the beauty standards of today's society. The media bombards us with the idea that we...

Raise Your Self Esteem in 2 Steps
How to Raise Your Self-Esteem in Two Steps It is my personal opinion that most people are unnecessarily insecure. These insecurities can...

Give Yourself Permission to Be You
Happiness and personal empowerment are only a perceptual shift away! The reason why so many of us suffer, is because we believe that we...

Why Your Crystals and Stones May Not Be Working For You
There is not a metaphysical store that is without a nice supply of stones for healing. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and...

The Two Main Reasons Why Your Energy Work Doesn’t Seem to Be Working
This monumental time in our history has caused the need for people to seek help with energetic healers to help facilitate these necessary...